I refuse to accept that I have been stalking anyone's blog :P but I found this post on SameerJha's blog and therefore thought it will be a good one to exercise my spontaneity. So here goes...my first thought spat out...
I think: about a whole lot of things from what is the purpose of life to how my room became so messy?
I know: what I don’t want/ I don’t like.
I want: to win lotto (34million) and travel the world
I have: two legs, two hands, ten toes, ten fingers and a pretty face :)
I wish: that I always get what I want
I hate: preparing for interviews (I do not know how interviewers manage to come with the silliest of questions) and fake Godmen (how do people believe this stuff).
I miss: my friends from school
I fear: failure.
I feel: lethargic
I hear: creepy noises. I think I see creepy things more often than hear them.
I smell: restriction enzymes
I crave: sleep…never seem to get enough.
I search: for my missing ear-phones and my lost socks??? :P
I wonder: if I need to turn up for work today...
I regret: not having learnt many languages but it is never too late is it?
I love: a good book, laughs (at my jokes of course) and cute boys
I ache: to know that I have not had the last say in a conversation (happens most of the time)
I care: about my family
I always: smile :)
I am not: an easy sales target
I believe: Google is God
I dance: to the tune of victory
I sing: off tune, glad they don’t make brides to sing in front of their in-laws to be nowadays *sigh of relief*
I cry: in solitude
I don’t always: try hard
I fight: with my sister
I write: in my blog
I am: "Who Am I?"
I lose: my way…terrible sense of direction.
I never: will win the Nobel Peace Prize. Consider myself the last person standing up for a social cause.
I confuse: my left from my right
I listen: to anything and everything sensible
I can usually be found: in my room with my laptop or working overtime in the lab.
I am scared: of darkness and dogs...when both are together that is a dog in a dark room, it will be my worst dream come true *shudder*
I need: a well paid job.
I am happy when: complimented, an experiment is successful, I receive letters, etc, etc...