Monday, 27 June 2011

Stolen Template

I refuse to accept that I have been stalking anyone's blog :P but I found this post on SameerJha's blog and therefore thought it will be a good one to exercise my spontaneity. So here first thought spat out...

I think: about a whole lot of things from what is the purpose of life to how my room became so messy?

I know: what I don’t want/ I don’t like.

I want: to win lotto (34million) and travel the world
I have: two legs, two hands, ten toes, ten fingers and a pretty face :)

I wish: that I always get what I want

I hate: preparing for interviews (I do not know how interviewers manage to come with the silliest of questions) and fake Godmen (how do people believe this stuff).
I miss: my friends from school

I fear: failure.

I feel: lethargic

I hear: creepy noises. I think I see creepy things more often than hear them. 

I smell: restriction enzymes

I crave: sleep…never seem to get enough. 

I search: for my missing ear-phones and my lost socks??? :P

I wonder: if I need to turn up for work today...

I regret: not having learnt many languages but it is never too late is it?

I love: a good book, laughs (at my jokes of course) and cute boys 

I ache: to know that I have not had the last say in a conversation (happens most of the time)

I care: about my family

I always: smile :)

I am not: an easy sales target

I believe: Google is God

I dance: to the tune of victory

I sing: off tune, glad they don’t make brides to sing in front of their in-laws to be nowadays *sigh of relief*

I cry: in solitude

I don’t always: try hard

I fight: with my sister

I write: in my blog

I am: "Who Am I?"

I lose: my way…terrible sense of direction.

I never: will win the Nobel Peace Prize. Consider myself the last person standing up for a social cause.

I confuse: my left from my right

I listen: to anything and everything sensible

I can usually be found: in my room with my laptop or working overtime in the lab.

I am scared: of darkness and dogs...when both are together that is a dog in a dark room, it will be my worst dream come true *shudder*

I need: a well paid job.

I am happy when: complimented, an experiment is successful, I receive letters, etc, etc...

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Struggles of a Newbie Scientist

I had promised myself that this was not going to be scientific blog, but today's joy is immense that I have to share it with my blog. The past few weeks of my life have been dedicated to making bacterial colonies (I would explain why but that's a long story). I have had the hardest of times trying to grow bacteria on my plates (you would think they would grow everywhere but no). I have tried many approaches to make them grow including giving up family time (to spend time with them) and showering them with lots of love (I dont know which one worked). I have fallen short of dreaming of them and praying to the bacterial Gods. Right now am so tired I need humor and a holiday, both of which cannot be satisfied. For humor all I can do now, is supply myself with my dry ill-humor and the holiday will remain a dream (even a week's holiday will kill my well looked after cells). So my joy remains in the scented letter recieved from friends and in watching downloaded episodes of The Big Bang Theory. I would have never in a million years guess I will be happy to see bacteria, but I am. I guess this is what it means when people say "Life throws the least unexpected things at you." I am thrilled and overjoyed. Tomorrow another hard day at the lab awaits but let it wait.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Decision Making

Never considered myself a very decisive person. My decisions in life so far have been based on things I dont want rather than what I do want. It has been made on things that are not too bothersome, things I dont mind or by simply just going with the flow. Even if there is something I really want and I find it hard to accomplish, I am the type who gives up and to do easier things in life. Why am I talking about all this? Just been doing a lot of self reflecting these days ( too much time). I have never worked hard for anything in life. I am not in the lest bit ashamed of this fact but it just makes me ponder. Like my university degree and my current research, these are not things I had a passion or desire of wanting to do. I knew I didnt want a teacher's degree, an art's degree, a business degree or a nursing degree, so by the process of elimination I chose sciences. It was not my fascination of the human body that drove me into this field. I am in no way saying that I did not enjoy my three years of Undergrad. I got to specialize in topics I like and have come to gain an understanding and liking for these subject. Likewise was my decision in choosing my research topic. The opportunity came along, it didnt look too troublesome, gave me another year to spend in Uni, so I grabbed it (truthfully I did attend an interview for the position, but it wasnt too bad). A line from an article is what comes back to me now: Many people have answered late to the all time school question, "What do you want to do in life?" (or something like that, it just means people have wasted their life not knowing what they want or ignoring their passion). I am still unable to answer that question and admire people with the answer. I wish sooner than later I come to realize what it is I love, so that I can be adamant about something in life.